Ever showed up to a photoshoot with a bunch of poses in mind, only to freeze up and forget them all when it came time to shoot? Yeah, been there. It's not a fun feeling.
Posing can be effortless and flow so naturally! You just need to change the way you think about it.
Posing isn’t just about the placement of the body. It’s about combining body language and facial expression to convey a narrative or emotion. The goal is always for the posing to look and feel natural.
Instead of "posing" my models, I direct them! I use a combination of body language and posing prompts to guide my models. This creates natural body movements and facial expressions. The models naturally fall into impactful poses filled with emotion because I paint such a clear picture of what I am trying to communicate.
Stop posing. Start directing. You can download my FREE Posing Guide filled with body language cues and posing prompts that will make your shoots way more fun and your posing authentic and effortless.