Jada and David Parrish
The Courage To Create: The Art of Conquering Creative Self-Doubt - Jada And David Parrish

The Courage To Create: The Art of Conquering Creative Self-Doubt

Blog by Jada Parrish | Article | 04/12/23

Creating art is an incredibly personal and passionate experience. It's an expression of our innermost selves, our joys, sorrows, and everything in between. It's a labor of love that often requires us to pour our hearts and souls into it. So, It's no wonder then that art can be such an intense and emotional experience, one that can leave us feeling vulnerable and exposed.

When we invest so much of ourselves into our art, we open ourselves up to the possibility of self-doubt, that nagging voice in our heads that whispers, "You're not good enough," "This is pointless," or "No one cares about your art." It's a dangerous spiral that can drag us down and keep us from sharing our work with the world.

But self-doubt is a natural part of the creative process. It's a sign that we care deeply about our art and that we're invested in making it the best it can be. The fear of uncertainty and the unknown can be daunting, especially when we're about to embark on something new. It's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and believe that we're not good enough or that our work is not worthy of recognition. But we have the power to break the cycle of self-doubt by focusing on the tools that support us in our creative journey.

These are the tools I rely on to get myself out of those dark storms of self-doubt.

The Courage To Create: The Art of Conquering Creative Self-Doubt - Jada And David Parrish


Think of all the reasons why it could work out.

When self-doubt creeps in, it's easy to focus on fear and let it consume us. But what if we shifted our perspective and asked ourselves, "What if this works?" What if sharing our work with the world brings something positive into our lives?

I know that feeling well - that voice in your head that tells you not to bother because you'll never make the cut. But we can't let that stop us from trying. What if we flip the script and imagine the possibilities? What if that gallery or contest recognizes your talent and chooses you? 

We also have to remember that our work has the potential to impact and inspire others. Maybe someone is looking for exactly what we have to offer, and by putting ourselves out there, we can make that connection.

If you never try, you never open the door of possibility and allow new and exciting opportunities to walk through. So, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and go for it!


Phone a friend.

Do you have someone in your life who is your biggest cheerleader? Maybe it your best friend, partner, or even in your mom - that one person who always has your back. If you are in a dark place, give them a call and let them shine some of their light on you. Sometimes those closest to us can see us more clearly than we can see ourselves. Their unwavering faith in you can be just what you need to keep going and achieve your goals. 

The Courage To Create: The Art of Conquering Creative Self-Doubt - Jada And David Parrish

Push pause. 

Self-doubt can be overwhelming and paralyzing. When it becomes too much, it's important to take a step back and take a breather. Take some time to clear your mind, relax, and recenter. It could be a few hours or even a whole day, but the key is to give yourself time and space to regroup. The catch? You can't let self-doubt win. Set a deadline for when you will come back and give it another shot. Remember, taking a break is not giving up. It's a chance to gather strength and try again with renewed energy and determination.


Use creative affirmations.

When self-doubt is weighing on you, affirmations can make a big difference in how you show up in the world. Affirmations are powerful little phrases that you can repeat or write down in a journal to help you shift your mindset and feel more positive about yourself. And as artists and creatives, having a healthy and positive relationship with our creativity is key. 

The next time you're hit with a wave of self-doubt try repeating these affirmations to yourself:

  • I trust my imagination and the ideas it generates.
  • I am confident in who I am and what I create.
  • I am worthy of success and recognition for my creative work.

Affirmations have helped me so much that I created a list of 100 creativity affirmations for artists.

The Courage To Create: The Art of Conquering Creative Self-Doubt - Jada And David Parrish 

Embrace and understand rejection.

One of the main triggers of self-doubt is a fear of rejection. We build it up in our minds as this big, scary thing that we must avoid at all costs. But the truth is, rejection is just a natural part of the creative process. It doesn't mean that you're not good enough or that your work is not valuable. It simply means that it's not the right fit for that particular opportunity.

Instead of viewing rejection as a negative outcome, try to reframe it. You were brave enough to put yourself out there and take a risk, and that in itself is something to be proud of. So the next time you receive a rejection, smile and remember that it's just one step in your creative journey. The right opportunity is out there, and it's only a matter of time before you find it.


Do it anways.

It's normal to feel scared or unsure when putting your work out into the world. But don't let those feelings hold you back. Go ahead and hit that submit button, share your work with the world, and see what happens. Yes, rejection and disappointment are possible outcomes, but they are not the only outcomes. There is also the possibility of validation, recognition, and even success. Don't let fear rob you of the chance to find out what could happen if you take a leap of faith and put yourself out there.

The Courage To Create: The Art of Conquering Creative Self-Doubt - Jada And David Parrish 

The next time you feel that self-doubt creeping in, remember that you're not alone. Every artist has felt it at some point. But also remember that you have the power to overcome it. You have the tools, the skills, and the passion to keep creating and sharing your art with the world. Keep pushing forward, and you'll see that the rewards are well worth the effort. 


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Jada + David Parrish are mixed media artists whose work explores the connection between painting, sculpture, motion, and photography.